Advertise Here

We are glad to inform you that we are now serving ads on our website. In order to tap our advertising slots, you may send your ad requests and bids through email (see below this page).

Available Advertising Options:

A.) LeaderBoard Ads - 600 x 90 Ads
(served for a minimum of 6 months, maximum of 24 months)
3 Slots Available, will be shown on the main page only
Minimum Bid : P250/month or $8/month

B.) Square Type Ads - 150 x 150 Ads
(served for a minimum of 6 months, maximum of 24 months)
4 Slots Available, will be shown on every page
Minimum Bid : P450/month or $12/month

C.) Agreed-Upon Ads - Depending on Your Needs
(served for a minimum of 6 months, maximum of 24 months)
Available upon request, will either be shown on main page, content page and/or every page
Minimum Bid : Depend Upon Your Needs


If you want to advertise with us,
please send your advertising request and bid to:

Email :
Look for : Vincent Perdiguez
Subject : Ad Request and Bid

Please send your request with the following information for evaluation:
Email Address:
Location/Home or Office Address:
Image URL : (Accepted Image Type and Size : Leaderboard - 600x90 or Square Type - 150x150 or at your request)
Website or URL :
Bid Amount : (Example P450/month or $12/month) 
No. of Months to Serve Ads :
Payment  Method : (Accepted : BPI Direct Deposit/Bank Online or Paypal)
Special Instructions :

First come, first served basis only!